Lab Testing

Testing Your Textiles, Ensuring
High Quality That Meets The Industry
Approved Standards

Better And Safe Materials For
Sustainable Garments

Fabrics & Garments
Lab Testing

We conduct garments and fabrics testing on behalf of
our clients to ensure compliance to textile international
standards and regulations as well as to ensure the
integrity and quality of the product. Whether you
need fibre identification, flammability resistance and
anti-static properties, performance testing, or product
labelling, we can help facilitate your product testing,
research, or development.

A Winning Formula
To A Successful

Testing Parameters

Proudly Supporting RMG Buyers,
Brands And Retailers

We Can Help You To
Grow Your Business


Annum Export

A trusted supplier of high quality apparel with an excess value of 9M USD exported to more than 21 countries around the world.


Modern Factories


Access to 10 vertically integrated factories equipped with the latest technology to deliver impeccable quality at scale.


Global Partner


Our team’s collective experience, knowledge and ability help us produce quality and compliance products that meet your company objectives and goals.

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